Thursday, July 23, 2020

if rupi kaur went to mit

if rupi kaur went to mit hi there it’s rona w. ‘21 your newest admissions blogger and sometimes i write bad instagram poetry enjoy â€"an intro post, kinda heart racing hands quivering cheeks flushing these late nights always drive me crazy next time i promise i will start this assignment early â€"due at 11:59 p.m. kung fu tea: 1.6 miles gongcha: 2.0 miles tea-do: 2.1 miles happy lemon: 1.9 miles royaltea: 2.1 miles â€"distance makes the heart grow fonder when you cross maseeh dining hall every head turns gasps and hushed whispers follow you i wish i knew your name but for now i’ll call you by your scientific designation “mus musculus” â€"mouse every time i get an email from you my heart skips a beat how i wish you would say those three little words three little words to change my life “grade cutoffs posted” â€"dear professor what do i love about you? you’re so brilliant the sun might be jealous you ask questions more swift and brave and endless than the ocean sometimes you keep me up all night but i love you anyway mit â€"love letter Post Tagged #hello world! #rupi kaur